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Free Downloads

Supervision Tracker

Streamline your professional growth with our Supervision Tracker—an essential tool for mental health provisionally licensed professionals. Easily track your supervision hours, clinical working hours, supervisors, and agency work, all in one centralized location. With a user-friendly interface and auto-population feature for supervisee hours, you can effortlessly stay organized and ensure accuracy. Take charge of your career trajectory, maximize your potential, and simplify the complexities of supervision tracking.


Experience the convenience and efficiency of our Supervision Tracker today, and elevate your professional journey to new heights.


Image by Matt Duncan

Negative Thinking

Is negative thinking sabotaging your success? Use this guide to take back control and master your recovery. Stop living in your head and learn to live in the here and now.



  • Free downloadable guide

  • 7 Action steps with examples

  • 2 Worksheets



Bright Idea Bulb

Healthy Relationships Recovery Group

This carve-out piece of curriculum walks you and clients through a 3 hours Intensive Outpatient Group on Understanding and Building Healthy Relationships in Recovery.



-Outline including time breakdown

-2 Group Activities and Directions

-Psycho-Education Information

-Discussion Points for each Section




Image by Caleb Jones

Introduction to Supervision Curriculum

Looking to take your mental health practice to the next level? Get your hands on "Leading with Excellence: The Ultimate Supervision Curriculum for Mental Health Professionals" - a 35-page curriculum designed to help you enhance your supervision skills and lead with excellence. This comprehensive curriculum includes 12 supervision sessions with worksheets and suggested activities, along with suggested structures for supervision, supervision tips, a clinical case presentation structure, and a role-playing exercise outline. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, this freebie offer is a must-have resource for any mental health professional looking to improve their skills and deliver better outcomes for their clients. 



  • 12 supervision sessions with worksheets and suggested activities.

  • Suggested structures for supervision

  • Supervision Tips

  • Clinical Case Presentation Structure

  • Role Playing Exercise Outline

  • And more...


All Hands In

17 Alternative Jobs for Therapists

Too often we find ourselves stuck, burnt, overwhelmed, feeling lackluster, or stuck in our field. We are often taught, told, or assume we can only do a handful of different jobs with our education, knowledge, and experience. This is not the case. Step outside of the box.


Get your copy today, and start stepping outside the box.

Woman with Laptop

6 Tips for Effective Treatment Planning

Creating a mental health treatment plan shouldn't be overwhelming. Our free tool simplifies the process, so you can focus on achieving your goals. Developed by seasoned clinicians, our step-by-step tool helps you identify your goals, develop a roadmap, and choose effective interventions. Try it today and feel more confident in your mental health journey



- 6 Tips for overall effective treatment planning​

- Tips for each component, with examples, for treatment plans including (problem, goal, objectives, and interventions).


Autumn Road
Image by David Marcu
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