Supervision is a crucial part of the mental health profession and it is important that supervisors understand their role and how to maximize its benefits. The supervisor-supervisee relationship is an important part of the training process. In order to be effective in this role, therapists need to understand how to communicate with their supervisees and provide them with feedback about their performance. The purpose of supervision is not only to assess skills but also to help trainees grow professionally. Professional growth can come from a number of sources, including placement sites and education workshops/seminars. Supervisors must remember they are mentors for supervisees as well as teachers who hold up a mirror so that supervisees may see themselves more clearly and work toward being the best therapist they can be!
If you are interested in learning more about how to use supervision as a tool for professional growth, our supervision guide the scavenger hunt for professionals provides some helpful tips. In it, we discuss the importance of developing your own personal supervisee goals and objectives that align with your supervisor's expectations- something every practitioner should do before meeting with their supervisor for feedback on an individualized plan or just to check-in. We also offer suggestions on what supervisors can say during those meetings to encourage positive change within their supervisees. And finally, we provide recommendations on ways both supervisors and practitioners can work together to improve supervision as a whole so everyone benefits from this relationship over time!
To find out more about how to guide your supervision to grow professionally check these guides out here
Until next time. Stay Motivated!