Getting Supervision as a new clinician doesn't have to be difficult or overwhelming...
If you have the right tools, you can easily:
Take control of your own path
Feel confident in your skills and capabilities
Get the support you need whether you have the right supervisor or not.
Don't wait for someone else to tell you how to feel confident. Learn the skills you need to get started in the field. Take control of your own professional development path.
After completing the guide modules, you will:
Develop a strong understanding of how to set professional boundaries to create a safe environment for growth and development.
Feel confident in effective communication skills and resources to feel connected and supported in your experience.
Decrease the risks for burnt-out, compassion fatigue, and more, which can impact your ability to stay engaged in your work.
Gain insight into your limiting beliefs and take control of your fears that hinder your professional growth.
Overcome your imposter syndrome and not allow it to impact your growth as an expert.
Be able to confidently assess and document your work without feeling overwhelmed and consumed with hours of unnecessary work.
Feel confident in meeting peers in the field and finding supports outside of your place of work while supporting those served.
Have a strong foundation in ways to continue to grow professionally without limiting yourself.
Ultimate Supervision Journal Guide:
What's Included in the Ultimate Supervision Guide for Social Workers, Counselor's, and Marriage & Family Therapists:
The Supervision Guide is for Social Workers, Counselor's, and Marriage & Family Therapists (& Interns)
6 Modules
Module 1: The Introduction to the Ultimate Supervision Guide​ ($45 Value)
Fills the initial gaps for supervision and lays a strong foundation for success through ​understanding and recognizing limiting beliefs, boundaries, communication, resourcing, expectations, understanding of core competencies, organization, and much more!
Module 2: Professional Scavenger Hunt ( $20 value)
Through worksheets and guidance, you will learn how to understand your state and license requirements, the opportunities in your field, and how to break out of a limiting mindset.
Module 3: Documentation ($20 value)
Don't spend hours completing documentation. Save time learning how to document more effectively and efficiently.
Module 4: Imposter Syndrome ($20 value)
Reduce feelings of inadequacy, define goals in order, identify when you are at risk for imposter syndrome, learn how to cope with feelings of doubt and uncertainty, and change the effects of imposter syndrome on your life.
Module 5: Virtual Experience ($20 value)
Eliminate barriers to providing care or getting important work and communication completed by learning more effective tools and resources to increase connection and productivity.​
Module 6: Marketing and Networking ($20 value)
Learn how to be more confident and network with others, get the right mindset for networking, managing stress, and limiting rejection. Enhance your leadership skills by understanding how people work together.​
Bonus Materials included ($47 Value):
BONUS! Extra Supervision Logs (includes 85 supervision logs, 5 reflection logs, 5 supervision check-ins, 1 hour at a glance worksheet, and 3 continuing education and training logs)
BONUS! Bullet Journal
Bullet journals can be used for personal or professional purposes to organize and track goals, keep a calendar and schedule, tasks, deadlines, and much more.
BONUS! Guided Bullet Journal
BONUS! Tri-Colored Dotted Pages for personalized or custom bullet journaling
BONUS! Additional pre/post tests for a supervisor to evaluate the progress of clinical skills.
How will the Ultimate Supervision Guide help me?
Too often people find themselves with poor supervision, poor guidance, or limited guidance in the field by their supervisors or other peers and supports. You do not need to feel limited by the supervision that is available to you. This journal is ideally utilized with a supervisor, however, much of the content can help to guide you and create critical thinking skills and growth on your own.
Do the guide modules need to be completed in the order provided?​
The short answer is, no they do not need to be done in any specific order. You will find the supervision logs numbered based on the order of the modules. Read through them all first, get an idea of what you will be learning and growing, and decide which is the best place for you to start. Have a discussion with your supervisor and see what they feel is a good place to start. Everyone is unique and in different places in their career and therefore may need to work on different modules in a different order that suits your needs.​
Shouldn't my Supervisor be doing this for me?
Honestly, many supervisors are thrown into their roles without having had great supervision or training. They may mean well but may not be sure how to direct your training and help you grow professionally. They may only be available for administrative supervision and not clinical supervision. This was created because I have worked with dozens of supervisees, interns, and students, there is not currently anything available to help support them with great supervision. Too many supervisees feel under-supported in the field by their supervisors and feel lost in the field. Many supervisors are stretched to the max and are unable to be the best supervisor they wish they could be. This journal was created to fill a need that you have requested because there is nothing else out there to help you help yourself.
Is this good for my license type?
Yes, when you go to check out you will see there is a separate journal for Social Workers, Counselors, and Marriage & Family Therapists. Each of them has different component differences related to your core competencies for your profession.
Are these modules only for licensed clinicians?
No, these are meant for licensed clinicians but also for interns as well as those in the process of seeking licensure.
About Me
Hi, I'm Amy Smitke and I am really passionate about supervision and helping therapists grow professionally and get the most out of their supervision so they can become confident and skilled therapists and social workers themselves.
In my decade-plus experience in the field, I have been fortunate to have some AMAZING and supportive supervisors but I have also had unhealthy and unhelpful supervisors. I have been a supervisor myself and enjoy the process of helping and seeing others grow and thrive.
I have been fortunate to supervise social work, chemical dependency, and counseling students and professionals in different working environments with different backgrounds and population specialties. It has been a great pleasure to work with so many individuals along their professional and personal development journey and see them thrive in their profession.
I have learned the hard way the the ins and outs of the field, licensing, and finding support where it can lack. I see it as an opportunity to provide that support to the next generation of mental health professionals.
I take this opportunity to share with others what I have learned along the way to save them time and frustration with the process and lack of resources.